Mission Statement
Our mission is to enhance the California Trail Experience for our community, visiting public, and future generations.CTHA actively promotes trail protection and preservation through outreach at local schools and engagement with state and federal agencies and private land owners.
Our members volunteer their time, energy, research and expertise in a variety of ways.

The California Trail Heritage Alliance, founded in 1995, is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the California Trail, the Hastings Cutoff and other trails in northern Nevada. We approach this in several different ways. These include trail marking, trail mapping, and site (trail) Stewardship. Education and interpretation of the trails is also an important aspect of trail protection and preservation. Through a grant from the Union Pacific Foundation, educational trunks have been placed at the California Trail Center in Elko, NV for use by classroom teachers. CTHA members also participate in periodic events at the Trail Center including presentation of educational programs. Promoting local and regional visitation to the California Trail Center is another means of providing education and information to the public about the fascinating history of the emigrant trails and the importance of protecting and preserving them.
How You Can Help!
We welcome your help in protecting and preserving our national historic trails. Here are some things can do:
- Join a trail marking trip – these trips are scheduled during the summer months. Contact us for more information.
- Join a trail mapping trip – these trips are scheduled during the summer months – contact us for more information.
- Get trained as a site steward through the NV State Historic Preservation Office program and adopt a site to monitor
- Work on trail signage and interpretation – this involves year around effort – contact us for more information.
- Develop an educational program – this can be done any time. Contact us with your ideas.